Patient Participation Group

What is a PPG?

A patient participation group (PPG) is a group of patients and GP practice staff who meet regularly and work together to improve the quality of care and outcomes for patients. PPGs can bring significant benefits to a GP practice: improving services, allowing resources to be used more efficiently and, most importantly, developing mutually supportive networks (outside the GP or nurse appointment). Groups help the practice to develop services that reflect what patients need and want.

PPGs become advocates for the practice and the services it provides. A thriving PPG is increasingly viewed as an indicator of a high-quality caring practice.

When working well PPGs strengthen the relationship between patients and pratice staff which is critical to the provision of modern, high quality general practice.

The practice has a mature and triving PPG estabilised in 2006. The group is chaired by Mrs Janet Kenwood and meets regularly to support the practice and improve patient care.

Contacting the PPG

If you wish to pass any comments on to the PPG, or wish to be part of the PPG then please do contact the practice. Your contact details will only be used for this purpose and will be kept safely.

Getting involved

If you’re interested in having a say about the way your local health services are delivered, getting involved with your GP practice’s Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a great place to start. PPGs ensure the patient view is at the heart of local provision so that services are of high quality and continuously improve.

PPG Sign up

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?